HandyWorks delivers piece of mind by providing prompt, friendly service with quality workmanship at reasonable prices compared to other professional home repair service companies. Our billing procedure is up-front with no hidden fees. You get piece of mind hiring professionals and save an average of 30 percent over our competition.
HandyWorks is independently owned and operated. Our lower overhead avoids the franchise fees, marketing, and related expenses commonly associated with companies who charge a premium. We can positively say that you pay onlyfor what you need, so your dollar stretches farther at HandyWorks.
HandyWorks is fully capable of all your home improvement needs. Our trained technicians have a minimum of ten years experience in electrical, carpentry, tiling, and painting. We can repair, install, or decorate virtually anything you need in your home or business.
HandyWorks is fully insured and guarantees its work in writing. With experienced tradesmen doing the job right, your satisfaction is guaranteed. You’ll never need to worry about the quality of work.
From a small job like repairing a hole in the wall to projects like remodeling your kitchen, you can count on us to get the job done professionally. With HandyWorks, you can spend less time worrying about fixing your home and more time with what’s important in your home, your family.